To veneer or not, the dentist’s dilemma?

Porcelain crowns and veneers 19 year post op

 Most patients seeking a better smile seek guidance from their dentists on how to improve their smile. Most are already familiar with porcelain veneers since they have friends or family who have chosen this route. The esthetic results are often determined by the lab and the dentists mission is to prepare and impression their teeth properly. Usually the lab provides a cosmetic wax up done over the patients study model. This wax up can be used to dress rehearse the case prior to tooth preparation and can be used to fabricate good looking temporization as well. At least some of the esthetic decisions are determined with the help of the lab. 

Patients seeking a treatment plan by a dentist about cosmetic dentistry would probably do best if they find a dentist equally familiar  with doing both esthetic restorations with composite as well as performing makeovers using veneers. Often the resulting veneers look good, but somewhat “fake”, since the restorations tend to be more monochromatic that natural teeth and have somewhat stylized carvings. Digital designing can sometimes improve the appearance of the carvings since digital lab designers can sometimes use a digital library of  good looking natural teeth to help design and mill their restorations, but this is not possible if the veneers have an outer layer of feldspathic porcelain. Feldpathic porcelain is usually the most esthetic ceramic material, but it is usually shaped and carved by a ceramicist in an “analogue” manner. This makes the appearance dependent on the skill of the ceramicist involved. 

Many patients could benefit from good looking direct composite restorations, especially if they are more or less happy with their teeth but have small areas that need repairing or need small additions. When these are done properly the resulting restorations can greatly enhance smiles with minimal or no preparation of the patient’s teeth. The results often do not alter the overall shape and character of a patients smile, just enhance it. Their friends may not even know what was done. They will only observe that their friend’s smile is looking good! In my mind, this is the best that esthetic dentistry can offer, since the patient doesn’t lose the look of their smile, but just enhances it. 

Another advantage of direct bonded composite restorations vs porcelain veneers , is that they are easier and less expensive to replace or repair. Since nothing lasts forever, this most likely will eventually become necessary, regardless of which type of restoration is chosen. 

There are many instances when porcelain veneers are the correct choice for a smile makeover. Adding overall length, changing the color of a smile without bleaching or when extensive additions are needed, porcelain veneers or even full crowns may be the best choice  Obviously, for those contemplating a smile makeover, their best option is to visit a cosmetic dentist versed in all types of esthetic procedures so that they can be fully informed about what option is best to improve their particular smile. 

6 Ways to Erase Dental Scheduling Headaches

By Chandra Chakravarthi

6 Ways to Erase Dental Scheduling Headaches

For most people, there’s at least one ongoing task or project that causes stress at work because there isn’t an easy way to do it. For the front office team, this task is usually dental scheduling.   

Scheduling dental appointments is a critical but time-consuming task. It can be done in an efficient way so that you and your team can spend more time on other tasks that you enjoy.  

How do you handle dental scheduling? 

Here are five ways to make dental scheduling a hassle-free experience for you and the front office team.  

1. Use your ASAP list. 

Your ASAP list should be the first item you use when filling appointment gaps. These patients have expressed interest in coming in sooner if an open slot appears.  

If you don’t already have an ASAP list in your practice management system, then use it to build your list. You probably have several patients who are willing to come in earlier. You can even give patients a way to opt-in to this list. Consider including this opt-in request in the patient intake forms and during the check–out process.   

You’re more likely to reduce stress and successfully fill your schedule by contacting patients on the priority list first. And patients will appreciate you moving them up leading to increased patient satisfaction.  

2. Expand your communication methods. 

Meeting your patients where they are is critical in creating a positive dental patient experience. Your patients have different communication preferences in each aspect of their lives. Giving your patients options and asking how they want to be contacted is one way to be more efficient around scheduling.  

Additionally, it’s good to consider what’s manageable for you and your team. Look for ways to automate your communications. This way, you’re using your time in the best way possible while still meeting patients’ expectations.  

3. Develop a communication plan for appointments.

Do you have a patient communications plan, or have you envisioned one but are too busy juggling multiple tasks to create one? While this might seem like a daunting project, you and your front office team will reap the benefits in the long run.  

It doesn’t have to be a fleshed–out plan. Here’s what to consider first, and then you can keep adding to it.  

Start with what types of communications you already do and how often you want to reach out to patients.  

Additionally, here are a few other items to evaluate. 

  • Have you asked your patients their communication preferences? 
  • Is there an easy way for them to opt-in for certain messages? 
  • Have you considered experimenting with different content formats such as video or a newsletter? 
  • Do you use social media? 
  • How far in advance do you want to reach out?  

Remember your outreach can impact a patient’s view of the practice.  

Communication is an effective way to bring in new patients and convert them to lifelong ones. Download our eBook the Ultimate Dental Practice Marketing Retention Guide for practical ideas on how to increase patient retention.

4. Offer teledentistry as an option.

Teledentistry is another avenue to remove friction in dental scheduling. It increases appointments by making them more accessible to current and potential patients, and it aligns with how many of your patients prefer to communicate. This could serve as an alternative if a patient is unable to come in person. 

Additionally, there are some use cases where a patient may not need to visit the dentist in person. And you can always schedule a follow-up appointment if an in-person visit is necessary. 

If you decide to offer teledentistry, then have a conversation with the entire dental practice team to determine what scenarios this can be used, the costs, and how to replicate a positive patient experience in a virtual setting.  

5. Use your social media channels to schedule dental appointments.  

Social media helps you to share practice information with your community, like having appointment availability. If your practice has active pages, then why not use them to encourage patients to schedule their dental appointments online? This is a quick and easy way to get the word out and can save you time from making individual calls.  

Posting on social media may not work for every practice. You need to know your patient base and where they get their information.  

However, if you have an active following and regular engagement on your social media posts, then consider posting about appointments on there. You can include a link to make the appointment and include the practice’s contact information. If a patient is interested or has questions, they can call or email your office to ensure HIPAA compliancy.  

At the minimum, this is something worth testing on your social media pages if you haven’t done so before.  

6. Schedule the next appointment as soon as possible.

Depending on the appointment type, you can schedule the next one when the patient is checking out. This is easier and more efficient than waiting on them to schedule their next appointment. And, always explain why they need to return. Education is critical in ensuring patients feel comfortable scheduling their next procedure before things get worse. It’s part of building that trust between you and the patient.   

For the noncommittal patients, you can emphasize that securing an appointment sooner gives them more scheduling options to choose from.  

Dental scheduling is impactful, so it should be handled in the most efficient way. You can keep your schedule full if you have a detailed plan in place. It takes a little time to get the process right, but once you do, it will result in fewer headaches. And you can spend more time on other tasks and creating a better in-person patient experience.  

Keeping your appointment schedules full is just one aspect of your multi-functional role! Patient retention is also a critical part of maintaining the practice. Download our eBook the Ultimate Dental Practice Marketing Retention Guide to get more tips to increase patient retention through communication. 

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    Zircon Lab, LLC specializes in high end Zirconia, Aesthetic High Translucent Full Zirconia Crowns for Anteriors, e.max, and implants. All of our restorations are 100% made in the USA and we have an unconditional 100% lifetime warranty.

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